Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kingship part 2

Matthew 19:13-15

13Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.
14 But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
15 And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.

Today's post should probably have been first in this series, but I was having these thoughts while I was driving after having read my Bible. After the disciples tried to keep the children from coming to Jesus, because he was obviously too busy doing grown up things, that they were to let the children come to him. He went on to say them that "of such is the kingdom of heaven." In another passage he says we must come to him as little children.

Children in relation to kingship.

I remember as a little boy fantasizing about being the hero. It usually involved saving the day and as I got older it also included rescuing the woman, or "damsel in distress." There was always some bad guy that needed to be defeated, because he was trying to hurt the "damsel." Now if you are a woman you may have had the opposite fantasy. You may have been wanting to be the one being rescued, but with a twist.

Ask yourself this question when you were a little kid were you just, any old girl, waiting to be rescued? I don't think so. I have observed my own little girls enough to know what character you were in the above scenario. You weren't just, "any old girl", you were the, "princess." More than likely you were the smartest, most talented, most beautiful princess in all the world. And you were either waiting on prince charming or the shining knight to come rescue you.

The point is your dreams were big. You had high hopes, no child daydreams about being the dirty little orphan who never gets enough food. Children dream about being heroes and heroines, saving the day. Somewhere along the line we lose the mystery of life. We face cynicism or bad things happen in our lives and we begin to settle for less.

We lose something as we get older and life happens that we need to get back. I am not saying that we should be totally naïve. And I am not saying that we should just bury our head in the sand and pretend all day, but there is some things about being a child that we need to get back. As I talked about in yesterdays post Jesus saved us and made us kings and priests to God. We are all royalty.

Our dreams need to become bigger again. Life is a journey, it is not always rosy, even as little kids we recognized this, after all without a "bad guy" to defeat the story would be pretty lame. As children we never doubted for one moment our ability to overcome the enemy. In my dreams, I NEVER LOST! In fact in my dreams or fantasies the thought of losing never even crossed my mind. We need to learn to trust in God no matter what situation we find ourselves in. Jesus already defeated the enemy, we are already on the winning side, now we need to act like it.

This is just a piece of the story, I hope you will continue on this journey with me.

Until next time,

May, “the Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance, and give you peace!

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