Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Today's post is going to explore the depths of what His sacrifice meant for us. We don't explore often enough what He did for us on the cross. His sacrifice fills me with joy and excitement that can hardly be contained. It is like the old song, there is joy unspeakable and full of glory. The joy that comes from knowing what He did for me, no words can fully describe.

The stripes that He took on His back to provide for my healing. The whole humiliation that he was subjected to as they mocked Him and gambled over his garments, while he was hanging there. He was bleeding from the deep gashes in his back, all of His weight being supported on nails that were pounded through His hands, or wrists, and feet. Gasping for breath as His lungs were struggling to get air. I deserved to die such a tragic death, but Jesus suffered my death for me.

Jesus paid the wages of death that I deserved and earned. When we hated Him, He died for us. At times I think back on all the things in my life that I had done wrong. All the ways in which I had sinned, and some of the things that I even say and do, that I regret seconds after having done them. We as human beings did not deserve and could never earn such love and sacrifice.

My heart is full of joy, for Jesus paid the price that I could never pay. I owed a debt that I could never pay, because of my actions, that I did freely of my own will, I owed trillions of dollars. A debt so big that I would never have been able to pay off, if I could work 100 lifetimes. He marked them, paid in full, but He did so much more than that.

Not only did he pay off my debt, he freely gave me so much more. Because He died and then rose again, I have life. I have been freed to live a life full of goodness. I was trapped in my sin, no matter how much I tried not to, I always failed. I was stuck! His sacrifice freed me to live a life that would be pleasing to Him. Sin was defeated on the cross.

I hated myself, I wanted to quit doing those things, but I could never gain victory. I would do okay for a while, but then I would go back to doing what I despised. It was a vicious circle, that I could not break. And in one moment, it was broken, because of the sacrifice He made for me. He is risen, sin and death has been defeated, and now I have life, a life that I did not deserve. And as if all this weren't enough, He promised me eternal life with Him in heaven.

Most peoples god's have them begging for just crumbs from the table. Jesus spread out a full table before us. Most peoples god's demand much and give little. Jesus gave His life, to pay for our sin, offer us healing, gave us victory, and gave us the hope of eternal life with Him. Most peoples god's demand love, Jesus gave love. Most peoples god's are either dead and buried or are pieces of wood or clay that they made with their own hands, Jesus is alive and at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us, His children. Most peoples god's are far away, Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit, as a helper for us.


Until next time.

May, “the Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance, and give you peace!

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