Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trusting in God

Matthew 4:1-11 Temptations continued...

Again notice that Satan comes with the same attack, “IF you are the son of God…then.” I think as believers we really need to have a greater understanding of who we are in Christ. The second time you can almost picture Satan spitting his accusation at Jesus, trying to throw in his little seed of doubt.

He goes on to basically trying to make Jesus question whether God was truly good and if He would honor His word. Put God to a test like the children of Israel had done in Exodus 17:1-7.

In Exodus 17:7 we are told that they, the children of Israel, had tempted the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” They were faced with a circumstance that they did not understand. They were in a desert area and they had no water readily available. They seemed to have quickly forgotten how God had just done some pretty amazing things for them.

He parted the sea so they could escape Egypt, at Marah He made the bitter water sweet so they could drink it, and He had provided Bread from Heaven in the Wilderness of Sin. Instead of contending with Moses they should have been turning and trusting in God. Why do we as people can so easily forget God when we are faced with difficulties?

We need to be a people who remember the testimonies of God. We need to be rehearsing them over and over again, telling them to anyone who will listen. Reminding ourselves of what God did in the past for others and us personally. God did many good things in the Bible and the Good News is that He is still doing good things for us.

Jesus passed this test, because He already knew how Good God is and He didn’t need to test His Father. There was no question in His mind about His Father. He knew He was good He didn’t need to jump off a building to prove it.

I know that many of us are going through hard times. Unemployment is high, some are sick from different diseases, others have lost people who they loved we need to encourage one another. Remember how God provided for us in the past, share testimonies of when you were healed; listen to missionaries or others as they share stories of other people being healed; take the time to just listen and grieve with others who are hurting.

God is good and He really and wants to do good for us. He is the perfect Father.

May, "The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace."

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