Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Know and Trust

Matthew 4:6-7
The tempter tried to get Jesus to question who he was and who God was. Jesus' response to Satan's temptation to jump was it is written you shall not tempt the Lord your God. Quoting an old testament scripture about the time when the people of Israel had complained to Moses because there was no water. The Children of Israel had seen God do many miracles for them. He had called them and given them many promises. He had shown them that they were His people. He had shown them that He would lead them. They tempted God by complaining to Moses, and by questioning whether God was even with them.

Satan wanted Jesus to act in the same way. Bringing the If you are the son of God, then cast yourself down. And He wanted Him to cast himself down, because after all the scripture does say that the angels would catch Him. Or would they? Satan's tricks do not change, he wants us to question whether God's promises are real. Make us question if God will really honor his promises. Can you really trust God?

The Children of Israel were in a rough spot. They were in the desert and there was no source of water around them. They began to question whether God was even with them. They were desperate and they began to contend with Moses whether God was with them. They had forgotten about what God had just done for them. He parted the Sea, so they could cross on dry land, he had just made bitter water sweet so that the water was drinkable, he had sent them manna from heaven when they needed food to eat.

He had called them as His special people. Jesus was the Son of God, and He knew who He was. Satan wanted Him to question who He was and whether or not God would answer His promises. After all the promise of the angels catching Jesus was a promise that God had spoken, and Jesus knew that God would answer. He didn't have to do something stupid just to prove whether or not God would really do what He had promised.

God has given His people promises from the beginning of time. He has done many things for His people who trusted in Him. There are many testimonies that we need to remember and build ourselves up in, God is real and He really does care for us no matter what we have gone through, are going through, and are going to go through. We need to remember His promises for us. Remember that He has many thoughts for us, they are more than could be numbered, and they are all for our own good.

I am reminded of an old song, and yes I do believe in mixing some old with the new, I think it was called Trust and Obey. It said trust and obey for those no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey. We need to know who we are in Christ and know that our Father will always keep His promises. Even when things don't look good, we serve a good God who loves us and will take care of us.

Until next time,

May, “the Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance, and give you peace

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